There are a number of unique features that enrich the experience - customisable units being the main example that springs to attention. In keeping with the previous games, Lost Souls remains an excellent strategy gaming experience. This time, the order of missions are tied into a story-led series of campaigns, following the fate of whichever force you've chosen. Once again, players must take the role of either the Eurasian Dynasty, the Lunar Corporation or the United Civilized States, although this time it's the remnants of those forces, stripped of the large part of their former glory. Now the final remnants of the human race, left behind by their more swift fellows, must battle it out for their own survival - they are the lost souls and this is their final hope. The earth is still in peril, knocked out of its orbit by destructive series of nuclear wars, and previous games have seen a mass exodus of humanity from its scorched surface - pausing for a few suitably strategic battles on the way, naturally. Steve Hildrew said it all in his review of the game: " Lost Souls is the third incarnation of the Earth 2150 series, supposedly neatly wrapping up the loose ends of the previous titles. Sometimes, easter eggs and secrets of games like Earth 2150: Lost Souls, might be simple, one word hints or shown in a small, pixelated image, but the way developers hide them, sometimes, is what makes games like Earth 2150: Lost Souls or similar type of games in Action games sub genre and PC games genre so unique.Earth 2150: Lost Souls is the third and best in an innovative but highly underrated real-time strategy series from Zuxxez. You might find easter eggs and secrets in Earth 2150: Lost Souls too, and while you looking for Earth 2150: Lost Souls secrets and easter eggs, you might have a laugh or simply remember some retro game.

It is always fun to find or uncover a reference to something that you might like in a game that you enjoy. Video game developers hide variety of secrets and easter eggs, that video game players might find and share with other players. In here, you might find Earth 2150: Lost Souls secrets and easter eggs.

Developers of a specific game, game like Earth 2150: Lost Souls, for example, might put their own little tribute to other game or games, that maybe inspired them or were simply favourites of them. Even in Action games, players might find references to games that have no relation whatsoever to Action games genre itself. In games, like the games of PC games genre, players might find variety of references to movies, books, music and etc. Video game developers like to put little tidbits and hints of other video games or pop-culture inside their own.